Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWriMo - Day Two update

Happy election day, everyone - a day to be celebrated by any American citizen of any political affiliation or none at all, because this is the day we get to exercise our freedom to choose our leaders. (Yeah, they may not live up to what we think the good leaders should be, but I still say freedom to choose our leaders beats the alternative!)

Now, for our daily NaNo update:

Well, I finished up yesterday with 1,733 words, 66 more than I needed - yay! This is good, because I need to start banking extra words for sick days and Thanksgiving. This point was driven home to me when I started feeling ultra puny with a gross sore throat yesterday afternoon. Not too puny to type, however! There's actually a thread on the NaNoWriMo forums started by someone who was excited to be sick because she got to stay home and write!

Sore throats and colds are one thing - migraines are a whole 'nother ball of wax, and since I get lots of those (migraines, not balls of wax), I definitely need to be logging a few extra words when I can.

Today we were babysitting my niece and nephew, and the kids got to watch "How to Train Your Dragon". They were riveted. I got in my quota. Everyone was happy. (They also played lots with Barbies and legos, so don't be afraid I that I parked them in front of the TV all day!)

Today my word count was 1,710, for a grand total of 3,443. Not too bad for a puny-feeling day with extras running around!

I can't help but notice that I'm still on the first chapter, though. I'm getting the distinct impression that I may well make it to 50,000 words, but still only be halfway done with the book! That's fine though, actually, because most novels are a good bit more than 50,000 words. There are books of 50k words, like Brave New World, but most novels these days seem to be more like 90,000-100,000+. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was over 250,000 words! (See I'm learning so much doing all this - it's great!)

Tomorrow will be a bit of a challenge, I'm thinking - we have lessons, doctor check-ups, and probably more babysitting in the afternoon, so a very busy day! Stay tuned to see if I can pull it off!


  1. I will definitely be staying tuned, I love your updates!

  2. And by the way, your blog won't let me post using my URL for identification, that's why I'm commenting with a Blogspot ID.

  3. Thanks for the heads up, Alicia! I'll have to check that out.

  4. Okay, Alicia, I think I've got that fixed! Let me know if it doesn't work.
