Thursday, November 18, 2010

NaNoWriMo - Days 17 and 18

Okay, yesterday I did 504 words, and today I did 2,010.  That puts the total at 25,457, which, according to the goal meter in my novel writing software (which I will write more about later, count on it), that puts me at 50% complete!

In honor of reaching the halfway mark, I just had to share this video that the NaNo folks produced for this week.  Totally the geeky kind of humor I love!


  1. Halfway, that's awesome!! (And not to make you feel bad or anything but I think I could have told you that 25,457 words was halfway without fancy novel writing software, I kid, I kid.)

    Cute video, these geeky people are fun!

  2. Yes, aren't they? And the fancy novel writing software is pure geekiness, too, as you appear to have noticed!
